
Neeson To Star In Watergate Scandal Movie – ManlyMovie

Neeson To Star In Watergate Scandal Movie

taken3Is Liam Neeson finally moving away from his action man persona, or at least on a more mellow transition?  A new movie of his in the pipeline will slow things down, but stay in thriller territory.

He will star in a movie about the story of Mark Felt, an informant codenamed Deep Throat who was active during the Watergate scandal.

Felt’s story will be portrayed in a new film simply entitled Felt, with Neeson set to play the eponymous character. The film will be directed by Peter Landesman, who seems to have a penchant for informant-based non-fiction stories, as he will be releasing another high-profile picture this december in Concussion, starring Will Smith as the doctor who revealed the effects football has on the brain.

As The Hollywood Reporter describes, Felt, who served as an associate director of the FBI in the 1970s, will be portrayed as someone “disheartened that the organization he works for is involved in cover-up but also who is torn apart as he leaks information.”  Also, the film will take on the trappings of a spy thriller.