
Stallone Wants Gosling As New Rambo – ManlyMovie

Stallone Wants Gosling As New Rambo

ryan-gosling-glassesOf all the shit manly movies have endured since the turn of the century, the Terminator sequels, AVP, Bruce Willis pissing on Die Hard, Sylvester Stallone’s attempts to have Taylor Lautner cast in The Expendables, this is surely a new low.

Sylvester Stallone wants metrosexual pissant Ryan Gosling to have the Rambo torch passed to him.  Stallone himself posted this crap to Twitter, indicating that he actually wants it to happen and for it to get some attention.  I can barely believe my eyes or ears.  It makes Justin Long in Die Hard seem manly by comparison.

‘For real’ he says.  Well for real, this would be the final insult.  Gosling couldn’t even match the manliness of Ryan O’Neal in his hipster remake of The Driver, so how is this sissy supposed to play Rambo?  Ryan Gosling does not call hell home, he calls the manicure room home!

Worse was Gosling’s response.  Gosling said “that is incredible, he’s one of my favourite actors. Just the fact that he knows my name is exciting. He’s just the best, I’m genuinely touched that he said that.”  Did you hear that?  He even avoids agreeing to do it, showing veiled contempt for Stallone.  So much for your leg humping, Sly.

So does this mean Rambo V is dead?  Well Stallone hinted on Twitter that he was writing dialogue for it.  But it could still mean that the dreaded young sidekick crap happens.

Ryan Gosling as John Rambo would be categorically the death of manly movies.  Forever!