
Seagal & Rob Van Dam Movie Titled ‘Sniper: Special Forces’ – ManlyMovie

Seagal & Rob Van Dam Movie Titled ‘Sniper: Special Forces’

seagalrobvandammeDid you know that Steven Seagal and Rob Van Dam (that’s Van Dam the wrestler, not Van Damme the actor) are appearing in a movie together?  Well if you’re a regular reader here, the answer is probably yes.  Now the movie has a title – Sniper: Special Forces.  It’s due for release 2016.

I wonder if this movie is related to the Tom Berenger ‘Sniper’ series? I’m not sure that it really matters since the last movie in the Berenger series, Sniper: Legacy, kinda sucked.

So this new movie is directed by Fred Olen Ray who notes on his Facebook account: “As we’re just now finishing up Post production on SNIPER: SPECIAL FORCES with Steven Seagal… this is too good to pass up!”  The supremely cool Dale Dye will also feature in this movie.