
Finding The Manliest Movie Ever? – ManlyMovie

Finding The Manliest Movie Ever?


Back when I was getting this site started, an attempt was made to find the manliest movie ever by reader selection, through a poll tournament (with good help from Anoyster).  It didn’t work out because I was in the process of moving the site and it was never completed.

So I think we should try the same thing again, but from scratch.

The idea is to find the manliest movie ever, the undisputed chief and greatest of ’em all.  We’d simply poll readers, movie against movie, until we got to the bottom of it!

However getting to the last one is easy, starting the thing is harder.  The problem is in the entry of movies and which ones qualify because, you know, there are so many and if we were to poll every manly movie out there, we’d be here for an eternity.

So if anyone has any ideas on how to bracket up a tournament and select entries, I’m all ears.

If it works out, I think then the natural follow up would be the find the manliest actor ever, although another problem would introduce itself with fanboy brigading, this happened in the first attempt when rabid Sylvester Stallone cultists would suddenly spike votes for certain movies.

And of course, that would be followed up by hottest actress of all time.