
Sony Rigging Ghostbusters Comments? – ManlyMovie

Sony Rigging Ghostbusters Comments?


The new ‘Ghostbusters’ movie has a trailer and it has a lot of views behind it, almost 20 million.  But it also has a lot of dislikes behind it, 340,000… that must be some type of record.  People are upset, but apparently Sony doesn’t want people to voice their opinion.

Here is what MilesBennetDieSon sent in;

Hey Night.  Don’t know if you’ve been paying attention to the Ghostbusters trailer but some funky stuff has been happening.  Comments are disappearing almost as soon as they come up.  Sony is actively sitting on the comments section and deleting negative stuff.  I also think they’re botting the comments section and replacing negative comments with good ones.  You can spot the same comments appear over and over from different accounts.  It looks like they’re panicking!

The likes aren’t rigged though as this is a thing of the past.  New YouTube algorithms have blocked that.

Well I don’t know if it’s true, there are too many comments to look through (100,000+?) but I can sure say that it wouldn’t surprise me.  Don’t underestimate how long a studio will stoop.  So, who ya gonna call?  Hackers who write scripts to fill out suspect comments?