
Triple H Thanks Arnold Schwarzenegger – ManlyMovie

Triple H Thanks Arnold Schwarzenegger


This weekend the Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus, Ohio, is taking place, an annual expo featuring bodybuilding and general sports. WWE has a presence at the festival once again this year, with NXT matches taking place on Saturday and Sunday. WWE COO Triple H, a noted Schwarzenegger fanboy (aren’t we all? note: difference in fanboy and cultist stalker), showed up to ask some questions to the man.

Below is an outline, plus a video.

– Triple H spoke about the impact bodybuilding has had on him and the positive benefits weight training can have in reaching one’s life goals. He said Arnold was a hero to him growing up and said it was an awesome experience to incorporate Arnold & The Terminator in his WrestleMania entrance last year.

– Arnold encourages everybody to be active on a regular basis. He then took a Snapchat photo with Triple H.

– Both Arnold and Triple H put each other over for having huge muscles. Arnold hyped up the festival.

– Corey Graves asked them what they eat for their cheat meals. Arnold talked about going to the gym for an hour today and eating oatmeal with strawberries for breakfast and didn’t really answer the question directly. Triple H said he’s a big breakfast guy so he would cheat on his healthy diet by eating pancakes and french toast.

– Arnold got in a plug for his new gig hosting The Apprentice on NBC this fall. Triple H joked that Donald Trump only had “You’re fired” as a catch phrase while Arnold has a many to pick from.