
Goldstein Talks Vasquez, Alien ’79 Trailer Modernized – ManlyMovie

Goldstein Talks Vasquez, Alien ’79 Trailer Modernized


The 30th anniversary of Aliens is around the corner this summer.  Man, I wish I was old enough to have walked in and seen that thing in ’86, but I was still learning to walk or something.  Jenette Goldstein remembers the movie fondly and has been speaking with BirthMoviesDeath;

It’s a really amazing arc that Vasquez goes through, and it stays so consistent. She was a gang member before juvenile prison. In these gangs, they’re even referred to as “soldiers”. And once she was tasked with a mission, she was going to see it through to the bitter end. [Laughs] You know I wish I could’ve made it to another sequel, but I always seem to die in the end no matter what movie I’m in.

But there’s a respect she earns for Ripley that she wouldn’t otherwise have, and also for her commander – Lieutenant Gorman (William Hope).

You can read the full interview here.  Incidentally, a YouTuber has given Alien 1979 a trailer repaint.  Makes me wanna watch it again right now…