We may be in the final bunker when it comes to resisting the concerted and overt effort to overly politicise movies in one direction, as opposed to normal flicks that aren’t being weaponized. And the bunker sustained a significant JDAM strike this week by the way, but I’m not going into that here or just yet. However over in an industry closely related to us in video gaming, a war is raging and this year there’s curious silence about a dirty feminist scandal.
Video gaming has ballooned in recent decades and has kind of lagged behind as a propaganda tool. I want to say that this is because old men simply did not understand it at first, or appreciate its value as an art form. But be sure of this, where there is an art form, there will be mendacious powers looking to exploit it with their own brand of politics. Now they’re getting around to that with video games.
The foundations of their change is being driven by cries of misogyny and that video gaming is a form of entertainment that is closed to a female audience, that the reason there are comparatively few female video gamers is because the industry is dominated by sexism.
To ‘progress’, entities and personalities such as Feminist Frequency began playing games, having admitted to never having played them before, solely to produce a form of critical journalism. Oh, and make hundreds of thousands of dollars.
One such ultra left feminist who saw a form of escapist entertainment as a way of indoctrinating people was Zoe Quinn. She was to be at the centre of severe escalation. Having found that one simply cannot walk into a job because you’re female (I guess gender quotas were inactive at the time), she was the subject of controversy when she allegedly slept her way into a journalism job, only then to be exposed by her boyfriend in a lengthy blog post.
This drew criticism from a network of concerned conservative gamers who worried that it was what amounted to political officers not only trying to politicize their hobby, but also doing so with questionable ethics.
Baldwin was the target of cohesive harassment
When their criticisms were met with silence, noted conservative and video gamer Animal Mother, the alleged ‘leader’ of the resistance (y’know, Adam Baldwin) tore them a new asshole by coining the term ‘GamerGate’ on Twitter, being the first celebrity to enter the fray. He also described ‘GamerGate’ as a “backlash against political correctness, saying it has started a discussion “about culture, about ethics, and about freedom.”
The response by the engineers? To denounce the people who critisized Quinn and people like her as ‘sexist’, and that celebs who supported her detractors were harassing her and her comrades. Little was said about the stalking Adam Baldwin endured. Well, they had to do something after all, now that movie stars and such were not just highlighting the controversy but picking the wrong side.
2016 Scandal
This year has seen a huge victory for GamerGate and yet no-one from mainstream media seems to want to talk about it, hence the title of this topic.
Y’see there is a feminist known as Alison Rapp. And in 2012 she outlined her thesis on child pornography laws at a speech in Japan, arguing that they should not relent to ‘western imperialism’ and to not bother increasing tougher child pornography laws. If this doesn’t shock you, the fact that Rapp gained and kept a job at Nintendo, a company that pumps out games aimed at children, might just do it.
But wait, you haven’t heard the half of it. Rapp made a spectacle of herself on her Twitter feed, because as a spokesperson for Nintendo and on the same feed she would use to promote their products, she would insert Marxist bytes and provocative pictures of herself dressed like a sexualized schoolgirl.
By now she was in tit-for-tat conflict with a network of conservative video gamers (described as some as Adam Baldwin’s ‘mob’) and they found her 2012 thesis and forwarded the screed to a group advocating the safety of children, which itself pressured Nintendo towards action.
Next comes more shock. Nintendo fired the feminist, but not for being an advocate of child porn. No, that minor oversight (WTF, Nintendo?) merely led them to the real problem, she had a second job. Can you guess what it was? Well it seems that Comrade Rapp was allegedly an escort, as also mentioned here;
Well this is awkward… Alison Rapp, who many had lambasted Nintendo for firing, seems to have been a high profile escort in the Seattle area, going by the name Maria Mint. Needless to say, it’s not the sort of thing a PR rep for Nintendo should be doing.
When Nintendo fired Comrade Rapp, they cited her having a second job that conflicted with their corporate culture. This led some to wonder just what that job was, and recalling the racy images she posted of herself on Nintendo’s behalf, and was also accepting gifts on Amazon (a common way for a pornstar to earn a bit of the side), some blood hounds found the escort profile of a certain someone.
Would it also shock you that the pictures of alias Maria Mint show a woman dressed like a sexualized child? Oh, and her rate was $250 hour. And her profile rating a lowly 2.2/5.0.
Really though, there is a odd silence about all this. Nintendo really is the Disney of the gaming world, agreed? So let’s imagine for a minute that a spokesperson for Disney was found to have given a speech advocating for the decriminalization of child porn. And that between promoting the latest Disney movie on her feed, also posted racy images and ultra-left musings. Wouldn’t this make mainstream news?
It would if she was also found to be a prostitute.
But worse, can you imagine what would have happened if the offender was a man? And he posted pro-Donald Trump musings, then was found to be kerb-crawler? Fuck! That shit would be headline news as far as the slums of South Africa. Can you imagine the uproar?
Well can you?!