
McTiernan Location Scouting In Spain – ManlyMovie

McTiernan Location Scouting In Spain


John McTiernan has been spotted out and about.  And in good health too apparently.  He’s set to shoot an action trailer for an upcoming game by UbiSoft and has been location scouting in Spain.  Here’s what the John McTiernan Newspage has to say;


Yippee ki-yay !! A lot of unrealistic rumors have been doing the rounds these last few months but today, we are finally able to announce the news that every fan of the filmmaker have been waiting to hear for a while : John McTiernan is back behind a camera at last! Here he is pictured doing location scouting in the region of Barcelona, Spain alongside his crew (including, on the right, Jeff Cronenweth, a major director of photography who has worked with Kathryn Bigelow and David Fincher, among others). McT is to begin this week shooting a commercial for a big upcoming action game from the team at Ubisoft. Produced by advertising agency, La Pac, the commercial will begin airing at the end of this summer. This should be a great way for McT to flex his muscles again after 14 years away from film sets, as he waits to make his big comeback at the helm of a feature film. Start spreading the news, pals : McT is back !!

I do have high hopes for McTiernan, I mean if Clint Eastwood can be directing first class movies at his age, then who knows how much gas McT has left in the tank.  Although I’m slightly demoralised to find that he’s only directing a game trailer, for now.  I still wonder if there’s more than meets the eye with his fall from grace.

Thanks to: Sergei.