
News On The Rock And Steven Seagal – ManlyMovie

News On The Rock And Steven Seagal


The Rock seems to be the most high profile manly movie actor out there these days.  I don’t know if I’d go as far as calling him a new Sylvester Stallone or Arnold Schwarzenegger, but he’s notable at least.  His latest?  Appearing as ‘Doc Savage’ as directed by Shane Black.

Johnson wrote on Monday that he had sat down with screenwriters Anthony Bagarozzi and Charles Mondry over the weekend “to chop up creative and break story on this very cool project.”

Also, he noted, “the #1 reason I’m excited to become Doc Savage.. HE’S A FUCKING HILARIOUS WEIRDO!”

Elsewhere, concerning Steven Seagal, ‘John Matrix’ sends us in the following regarding the master;

I came across an interview by Wych Kaos, the cinematographer behind Sensei Seagal’s new film, Attrition.  Kaos says that,
The movie isn’t just a paycheck to him. He’s not just coming in to hit his marks and say his lines and then hop back on a plane. He rewrote the script to fit Thailand and he’s very well aware that he has a fiduciary responsibility to his investors. Basically, he’s taking a massive gamble on himself. And I don’t think he’s ever felt better going into a movie as he does right now.
He also says that Seagal now realizes that,
he was tired of other people running his career and told me about how there’s always two, three sometimes four groups selling a Steven Seagal movie at every market, despite that he’s usually never heard of any of them. He went on to inform me of how these people would presell the movie, get a budget and then make him an offer to come shoot for however many days and Bam! You have a Steven Seagal movie.