It looks like Suicide Squad has not met the standards of mainstream critics. It’s currently sitting at 35% on RottenTomatoes and I’m kind of noticing a trend – the movie is being lambasted for not being ultra-left (nevermind simple leftism anymore, they’re now demanding extremism).
One of the harshest reviews seemed to stem from Richard Lawson at Vanity Fair, who called it: ‘A shapeless, poorly edited trudge that adds some mildly appalling sexism and even a soupçon of racism to its abundant, hideously timed gun worship.’
BuzzFeed’s Alison Willmore ‘couldn’t stand it’.
Her critique of the movie focused on its use of women, suggesting: ‘The women can’t control themselves and they’re always dragging down the men around them.’
She found the most fault with the portrayal of Harley Quinn (Robbie), calling her ‘an embodiment of all the conflicting things this frankly disastrous new movie… is attempting to do’.
‘Harley Quinn is meant to be Suicide Squad’s dark heart. Instead, she’s been made into its damaged dolly jerk-off material,’ she also wrote.
The DailyTelegraph also accused it of being a form of covert pornography, while Indiewire lamented the ‘machismo’ on display while complaining about too many shots of Margot Robbie’s ass. Oh and we already know how Hitfix’s review is probably going to go, since they’ve been complaining about its ‘sexism’ for over a year.
Now maybe the movie isn’t good, but all of the above sites are going to have more prominence than the rest, e.g. Wikipedia will link to them but not others. They’ll see it early, analyze its political acumen then review accordingly.