
Eddie Murphy Shits On ‘Flying Cape’ Movies – ManlyMovie

Eddie Murphy Shits On ‘Flying Cape’ Movies


We have never seen Eddie Murphy in a LeoTard movie.  And long may it continue!  However, some want to see Foley in one of these movies, such as the people at Mashable when they spoke to him this week while he was promoting Mr. Church.  Here is part of their conversation;

Would you ever do a comic book movie and if so, would you rather play a superhero or a super villain?

I’m kind of long in the tooth to fly in in a cape now, so I’d have to be like the voice of reason or somebody. “Don’t do that, super-fellow! Or we need such-and-such.” I would do a superhero movie if it was funny and we were making fun of superhero movies and I figured out how to do something funny. But even I don’t buy me flying in with a cape on and you know, fucking everybody up, having lasers shoot out. See this? Doesn’t this look like bullshit? What would you call this? Who would I be?

The Grabber?

The Grabber? Yeah, Eddie Murphy is The Grabber. See this? This looks like bullshit! If you seen a poster like this on the street, and lasers are shooting out my fingers and I had a cape on. You would go, “get the fuck out of here.”

While Sylvester Stallone has also slammed flying cape movies — “The action movies changed radically when it became possible to Velcro your muscles on” — he is one 1980s action man who will appear in the current comic craze, in The Guardians of the Galaxy sequel.