
UPDATED: Bald-Faced Product Placement In Resident Evil Trailer – ManlyMovie

UPDATED: Bald-Faced Product Placement In Resident Evil Trailer

UPDATED: I’m updated this article with a new poster.  Can you guess which piece of hardware features prominently in it?  Scroll to the bottom to find out!

Anyone caught the trailer for the new Resident Evil movie?  See it above.  But who is the star of the show?  Milla Jovovich I guess, but coming in at a close second is the BMW Motorrad, appearing in the trailer for almost 50 seconds, with cast members of the actual movie getting only seconds or frames here and there, or nothing at all.


The trailer quite literally opens with a sexy shot of this new BMW Motorrad (I guess BMW survived the zombie apocalypse that broke out in 2002 which destroyed the earth by 2010?).  It’s the first thing we see in the trailer and one of the few scenes that runs for a few seconds instead of being hyper edited.  Strong demands this time, eh BMW?  We’re paying you good money, so none of that shaking ADHD editing when you introduce our bike?


Moving on, further into the trailer we see Milla Jovovi…. wait, why, it’s the BMW logo.  Cool.


Now just make sure you get a real good look.


How about another shot of one of BMW’s new lineup, Resident Evil fans?


But wait, let’s see that again.  In slow motion.  This is probably the longest, most steady cut of the trailer.  Hell, it’s probably the longest cut in the whole movie!  And now, a word on coincidence. BMW bike sales are down in the USAIn May 2016, 1,221 BMW motorcycles were sold in the USA, a 40% drop from the 2,034 sold in May 2015.  Good thing then, that their Motorrad features prominently in a new blockbuster movie, in time for the 2017 year!