
VOD And Theatrical Creeping Closer Together – ManlyMovie

VOD And Theatrical Creeping Closer Together

There are discussions at the minute between several major studios and big cinema chains to narrow the theatrical window for each movie released on the big screen.

Soon multiple big studios will be able to offer films on the likes of iTunes and other streaming services a little over two weeks after release but at a higher price, some have suggested it could be around $60.

THR claims that this is moving forward quickly. However there are two sticking points coming up in the talks. The first is that at least one of the three major theater chains wants a written guarantee that a studio won’t try to shorten the existing 3-4 month home entertainment window anytime in the next 5-10 years.

Son, Universal and Warner are all in talks for the service, however Disney is reluctant and still wants to push the ‘attraction’ angle.

Right now analysts aren’t sure what form this service will take and when it will launch. The first experiments with it though could begin as early as next year.