We hear stories now and again about the old actors, like George C. Scott shitting on the Oscars and sitting at home watching some hockey while they were trying to kiss his ass. Or Sylvester Stallone chasing a pissant into a restaurant and ‘beating him to a pulp’, after said pissant rammed into his car.
Charles Bronson though must surely take the biscuit. Here is another remind on why Big Charlie was a superhuman manly man.
“I am not a Casper Milquetoast,” Bronson told The Washington Post in 1985 when they asked him if he was ever in a real life showdown. Recalling the time he was visiting Rome and felt someone stick a gun in his side, the combat veteran said “A guy in broken English asked me for money. I said, ‘You give ME money.’ He turned around and walked away.”
You give ME money. Fuck. This might be just about the manliest shit I’ve ever heard. This beats even the time pissants fled Dolph Lundgren’s house after seeing his photo inside.