
Flashback: Stallone Slams Seagal Against A Wall – ManlyMovie

Flashback: Stallone Slams Seagal Against A Wall

At one point Sensei Seagal deduced that the chi emanating from Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger and other action stars was not conducive to the enlightened path that he was on.  Asked why he had not worked with such men, Chief Seagal would only comment that he would not ‘associate with that element’.

Seagal was then confronted by an agitated Sly Stallone during a later chance meeting.  Years ago, he told Shortlist Magazine: “Steven Seagal said that he, ‘Didn’t associate with that kind of element’ – meaning me. So I slammed him up against a wall.

“At that time, our testosterone was running full bore. He was full of his height [Steven is 6ft 3in, Sylvester is 5ft… something] and I was full of … Myself. But we made up. He can be very abstract.”

One can only postulate that Seagal did not use his deadly skills on his aggressor, on account of having a wiser head on his shoulders and decided to disarm the situation.