
Five Things Needed For Rambo V – Page 5 – ManlyMovie

Five Things Needed For Rambo V

1) Stallone Must Direct


Since this is going to be the last Rambo, there is surely only one man that can direct it.  Sylvester Stallone needs to get behind the camera, but also claim the movie as his own.  That means doing the right thing by it and not letting the studio hire some yes-man or interfere to the point of ruin.  Nobody knows Rambo better than Stallone, so realistically, who else is there for the job?  Stallone directed the first Expendables movie, best in that series, and the last Rambo movie, which was pretty damned good and solidified his comeback.  Stallone is writing a final chapter in his career here, so the movie should really be in his hands.

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