This video, I would have to say, is a classic piece of manly cinema. Unfortunately this off-screen version is the best on offer from YouTube, but still you can see how well it has held up. The Coen brothers can really put some strong shit to screen. Miller’s Crossing is an underrated movie and one that to me ages very, very well. It was okay when I first seen it, it’s great when I watch it now.
This scene has Albert Finney dispatching assailants with a ruthlessness that would leave Bronson himself spooked.
My only gripe about this scene is the amount of rounds discharged from the M1928. Finney lets rip over 500 rounds, despite having a 100 round drum beneath the gun. Of course maybe he reloaded and that wasn’t included in the movie. Still it’s one of the manliest scenes of the 1990s. Tom Hanks put the weapon (M1921) to similar use in Road to Perdition, another movie that has grown on me, set around the same time.