
Top Five: Worst Manly Movie Game Adaptations – Page 3 – ManlyMovie

Top Five: Worst Manly Movie Game Adaptations

3) RoboCop The Video Game – Multiplatform

This was part of a nasty phase for RoboCop.  We think that the recent PG-13 remake was bad, and it was.  But let’s not forget 2000-2003.  Firstly those ghastly Prime Directive TV movies.  Topped off with this release.  Right from the off it’s like the game is intentionally trying to be laughably shit, it’s like those old rubber bootleg Chinese RoboCop toys that were floating around in the early ’90s, only in video game form.  The humor though, intentional or otherwise, soon wore off when the game was actually played.

It was basically saying; “fuck you, you’re not going to complete this game, ever, oh and fuck you again, cunt”, by forcing you to deal with human waves of pissants with highly powerful weaponry.  The AI was senile, enemies weren’t too accurate, but the combination of endless firing from endless gangs, in conjunction with RoboCop having awful health, meant that no sane person spent more than half an hour on this slurry.  Add to that, it rarely let you save.  The game hated you, but not as much as you hated it.

I wish I could find at least one of the developers on the street!

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