
Underrated Manly Movies: Part III – Page 2 – ManlyMovie

Underrated Manly Movies: Part III

4) Outland (1981)

Who likes Alien, Aliens or hell, that whole franchise?  Who doesn’t?  Outland is a Sean Connery movie from 1981, stuck between the releases of Alien and Aliens.  Why do we talk about Aliens with this movie?  Because it’s almost set within the same universe – just without the actual creature.  The space stations, the technology, the clothing etc.  It’s almost like it’s an unofficial spin off for the main series.

Connery plays a man assigned to investigate goings on at a deep-space mining facility.  A thriller, it has to be pointed out, not a horror movie.  Also with a touch of Blade Runner in its DNA.  It’s not great, but it’s underrated.

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