
Underrated Manly Movies: Part III – Page 4 – ManlyMovie

Underrated Manly Movies: Part III

2) By Dawn’s Early Light (1990)

We’re back in Cold War territory here for the year 1990, when the Reds were still around.  The movie starts with renegade leaders launching a false flag attack against Donetsk to ignite a war that will in theory save a dying empire – man am I glad I’m only writing that on a movie site here in 2015.

Anyway, it starts off the old chain reaction and manly man Powers Boothe must fly his nuclear bomber to Siberia for some payback.  Back home, a hardline interim president takes office who wants to pummel the shit out of Ivan, who has just nuked the USA.

I won’t go any further than that because to be sure not everyone will have seen this movie.  Keep in mind it’s only a TV movie (HBO), so resources are limited, a lot of cockpit tension and debates aboard Air Force One.  It’s effective though and not a well known movie.  Powers Boothe is, as you’d expect, alpha as fuck.

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