
Underrated Manly Movies: Part III – Page 3 – ManlyMovie

Underrated Manly Movies: Part III

3) The Double (2011)

I don’t get it.  I don’t understand why this movie was trampled on.  I get why it’s not loved – it’s no classic, but I don’t get why it’s hated.  Back when people were gushing over Angelina Jolie’s Salt (poor movie), a feature about espionage activity between the USA and Russia, this movie was doing the same thing, but in a more tempered and adult way.

Richard Gere plays a deep-cover Soviet mole, long since disbanded of course since that former empire is defunct.  But events take a turn that reopens a pursuit of him by the American authorities, they don’t know who he is, but they’re on his tail.  Don’t’ expect much, it’s a sedate movie, but it is for my money a refreshing change of pace from ‘those turrist’ movies.  Topher Grace plays the man pursuing ‘The Double’, with Martin Sheen also appearing.

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