
Underrated Manly Movies: Part IV – Page 3 – ManlyMovie

Underrated Manly Movies: Part IV

9th April (2015)


A more recent movie.  Although beware, it is subtitled.  So here’s our war movie for this list, a small movie that practically is unheard of in the English speaking world.  9th April was released last year in Denmark.  It covers the German invasion of Denmark in 1940.

The campaign was the quickest of the war, ending in a mere six hours, but what else can be expected from such a small country.  It’s not exactly Denmark’s Saving Private Ryan, however if I were to be generous, maybe you could liken it to a Band of Brothers episode.

This isn’t a great movie, but for WW2 junkies it’s a good ‘one time’ deal.  Some very nice battle scenes.

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