
Underrated Manly Movies: Part IV – Page 5 – ManlyMovie

Underrated Manly Movies: Part IV

Kiss Of Death (1995)


By many accounts, this movie is kinda trashy.  I guess in some ways the critics are right.  To be blunt about it, this is not a good movie.  But then, it’s so entertaining.  Nicolas Cage, Ving Rhames, David Caruso and other ‘that guy’ faces you know, but can’t name, from the 1990s.

It’s a movie about a man, Caruso, infiltrating a criminal empire, led by Nicolas Cage.  In the movie, between beating up pissants, a jacked up Cage bench presses hot blondes at the local strip joint.  I mean come the fuck on!  Speaking of Cage, he also puts in a master troll performance.

I mean Cage is worth watching this movie for alone.  It’s odd though that Caruso is playing it straight as a rod, opposite good old Nic, who is chewing up the quite frankly awful screenplay and spitting it out.

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