
Top Five: Most Laughable Sons Of Anarchy Moments – Page 2 – ManlyMovie

Top Five: Most Laughable Sons Of Anarchy Moments

4) Kurt Sutter casts his wife, then himself – and has both raped

Now I’m not saying rape is ‘funny’ in any form.  Rather, this is just something about Kurt Sutter’s creative process that I just find, well you know, laughable.  Kurt Sutter saw fit to have his wife cast as mainstay head bitch Gemma Teller.  Sutter then filmed a shocking (surprise!) rape scene.  A gang rape scene.

But just to show that Sutter was an equal opportunity shlockster, he then cast himself, and had his character raped too.  Playing a martyr, Sutter handled his rape case about as delicately as his real life wife’s on screen rape case.  At worst laughable, at best weird and odd.

Kurt Sutter’s character, Otto, would be a repeated source of fun – most of it glaringly unintentional, as we will see in the next incident.

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