
Top Five: Most Laughable Sons Of Anarchy Moments – Page 5 – ManlyMovie

Top Five: Most Laughable Sons Of Anarchy Moments

1) The ending

Anyone who has sat through Sons of Anarchy until the bitter end can surely have nothing but fond memories about this.

The bad type of fond memory, like when you laugh at a pal who got shitfaced and fell into a hedge.  He deserved all the ridicule that was coming to him.  Kurt Sutter, you deserve all the criticism you got for the finale to this series.  Particularly the end of Jax Teller.

Teller decides to ride his motorcycle, I’m not spoiling this because it’s simply not good enough to ‘spoil’, into oncoming traffic.  Again, Sutter goes for a ‘freak out’ effect on his audience, with a piece of televised dramatic history, but only managed to have people literally point and laugh.

Jax Teller’s end in Sons of Anarchy was truly awful television, to the point where it was so bad it was good.  The whole thing was unbelievable and was replete with Sutter’s trademark hillbilly rock number, to remind us that he’s a genius who gives us stuff to regurgitate pensively for eons to come.

After all, Sutter kept reminding us that the whole thing was inspired by Shakespeare.


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