Michael Bay is in negotiations to direct upcoming thriller “13 Hours,” a film adaptation of Mitchell Zuckoff’s work about the Benghazi political scandal, for Paramount...
It has been rumored for years but the remake of “Escape from New York” has never actually been officially in the works by a studio....
Those of us holding out for a sequel to “Dredd” (and there are quite a few!) will have to suffer a blow to our hopes...
With two Bourne movies now in the pipeline, with one bumping the other out of a release slot (Bourne 4 taking the place of Legacy...
If you think Taken 3 is the last in the series you could be wrong. While unlikely there will be a fourth movie, leading man...
Warner Bros. has released the first Run All Night trailer. Liam Neeson reunites with his Unknown and Non-Stop director Jaume Collet-Serra to play an aging...
In Good Kill, director Andrew Niccol reunites with his Gattaca star Ethan Hawke, who plays an ex-fighter pilot who’s come home and become a drone...
Above are six new clips in succession for crime thriller supremo Michael Mann’s new movie Blackhat, starring Chris Hemsworth. Blackhat is released next week, be...
Liam Neeson and Ed Harris are due to appear in their first movie together soon in the upcoming gangster thriller “Run All Night”. The first...
It looks like the stars of The Raid 2: Berandal might have caught another big break, probably as a result of their work in that...
After a break in filming for Christmas, filming is once again underway on the twenty-fourth James Bond film “Spectre”. Today, a new photo from the...
The first trailer and poster have been released for “Rare Exports” filmmaker Jalmari Helander’s new action comedy “Big Game”. This is kind of like a...
It seems to me that this movie isn’t receiving half the attention it should, since it is coming out in around ten days. So here...
It sounds like there’s talk of a Boardwalk Empire movie if Mark Wahlberg has anything to do with it. The same person helped bring about...
Where the screenwriting is done. pic.twitter.com/ISrobCeveW — Sylvester Stallone (@TheSlyStallone) December 28, 2014 Here is one of Sylvester Stallone’s latest Tweets. Beware of SPOILERS. For...
It seems that Chris Pine has kind of given up on the Jack Ryan character and you have to wonder if it is surprising given...
It seems that Sony Pictures is set to screen the controversial James Franco-Seth Rogen comedy “The Interview” at Christmas after all. The official social media feeds...
Who wants to see Salma Hayek running around with guns in an R-rated actioner? Alright let me rephrase that, who wants to see Salma Hayek...
Continuing a series of video holiday cards tied to various big screen releases, Lionsgate has now delivered a quick clip from the upcoming action thriller Wild Card, starring...
The leaked screenplay for Spectre suggested that it could (and probably will be) Daniel Craig’s last James Bond movie. The question is, who would replace...
Check out the Japanese trailer for for Jason Statham’s upcoming thriller ‘Wild Card’ above! The film will be directed by The Expendables 2’s Simon West....
Today, a Sony attorney, David Boies, speaking with Meet The Press revealed that Sony will still be releasing the film, and that the “cancellation” announcement was...
There has been a new addition to Sylvester Stallone’s upcoming Rocky update “Creed”. Tessa Thompson, the actress who broke out this year in the...