The site is currently undergoing an upgrade. Shit will be fucked up real good for a short while. Things will appear a bit shit and...
Yes, that’s Hardy as Max. In front of greenscreen.
It’s official, ManlyMovie has learned that a rough cut of Mad Max: Fury Road is in existence and is being circulated among certain bigwigs in...
“The feminisation of TV is complete”, said Dirk Benedict (Lt. Templeton ‘Faceman’ Peck) in 2008. “It’s all… watched by women, produced by women, written for women....
Been a while since this blog has been updated, so here is something to comment on. Bruce Willis, being a dick. Promoting a shit movie...
UPDATED (28 July): Deadline this weekend makes a further claim that Andre Nemec and Josh Applebaum will pen the script. While that may not...
We have an update on the RoboCop remake (2014) today. But first, incase you missed it, check out this review ManlyMovie posted of the 2014 movie...
Join me at the forums. Pretty much MANLY MOVIES and unmoderated FREE FOR ALL off topic shit.
Check out the making of for one of this years manliest movies, retro actioner Bullet To The Head. Walter Hill is a five star action...
Only posting this because it has MEL GIBSON in it. MEL. GIBSON!
There was significant uproar when The Expendables II was announced as PG-13. A core group of guys on the internet contributed significantly to that uproar,...
So… ya thought that leaked pic of a doped-up looking Cage from a few years back was fake? Have a look-see at the real...
Thanks to my good friend Dirty Haraldo for the new background. My favourite of his latest shit is Die Hard. Lets hope this sucker doesn’t...
I’m at odds with this movie. Since it was announced that it is Rated-R… I’ve had creeping feelings of excitement. That shouldn’t be, not after...
A great game from a time when Die Hard was still good. Some nostalgia, since Die Hard 5 is in danger of being a good...
Die Hard On Ice ManlyMovie pays reference to Die Hard a lot. Good reason for that, no explanation needed. In the 90’s, they even had...