
Five Reasons A Female Expendables Will Be Shit – Page 2 – ManlyMovie

Five Reasons A Female Expendables Will Be Shit

2) Female Retro-Action Doesn’t Exist

Retro action assembled, no females to be seen

If it was made in 1995, The Expendables would’ve broken one billion, two years before it was broken by another movie. Van Damme, Stallone etc commanded massive contracts to appear in a movie. From millions to tens of millionS making profits of hundreds of millions. That’s because action was big then, and they were big stars. But there were no female action stars. I hear the names Linda Hamilton and Sigourney Weaver (more on these later). Well, they were among the few convincing ones, but Hamilton supported Schwarzenegger, the real draw, and Weaver was an exception in Aliens. There are no names to call on, so by default no strength because there are no numbers. There is no dormant fanbase, even collectively.

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