
Five Reasons A Female Expendables Will Be Shit – Page 5 – ManlyMovie

Five Reasons A Female Expendables Will Be Shit

5) It Will Try Too Hard


Finally, expect copious amounts of females beating the shit out of men 120lbs larger, in order to sell the idea that “Chicks can do this too”. In fact, expect one in the opening scene. I’ll give you another example, in Expendables 2 Sly and Statham are confronted by a giant in a bar.  They admit he’s going to be a tough situation, and deal with him by double-teaming using brass knux. Don’t expect such admissions of vulnerability in the ‘Female Expendables’. To prove a point, we’ll probably see Milla Jovovich beat the shit out of three of said giants, at once.

At the end of EX3, Statham admonishes Stallone because of his battered face. How many black eyes will the ‘Female Expendables’ have? When Cameron and Scott created Ripley, she was highly vulnerable. Courageous, not fearless – there’s a difference.  She could handle herself, but she never lost her femininity. Convincing and still sexy, maybe even because of it. Same with Sarah Connor. You won’t see any of that in this movie, where being anything less than unstoppable men-killers will be deemed sexist. How I throw up in my mouth a little everytime I see the lengths Michelle Rodriguez goes to to appear butch and ready. You don’t get it, did Eastwood try so hard? Did Bruce Willis?

Oh, and if Weaver or Hamilton were to do something, it should be a cameo in the main series They’re good enough for that and earned it, but too good for this shit.

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