
Five Of The Biggest Pro Wrestling Movie Gimmicks – Page 3 – ManlyMovie

Five Of The Biggest Pro Wrestling Movie Gimmicks

3) Lord Humongous/Lord Humungus


As we are going to learn in this list, WCW had probably the most blatant track record of ‘borrowing’ from famous movies, and even musicians.  Nirvana tried, unsuccessfully, to sue WCW for outright stealing ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ and changing a few notes, using it as Diamond Dallas Page’s entrance theme.  WCW no-sold Nirvana’s complaints and kept using it ’till the end.

Another example of movie pilfering was in the form of Lord Humongous, ‘inspired’ by the same character, with slightly different spelling, from Mad Max 2.  Sid Eudy played the character, before changing his name to Sid Vicious.  Gee, I think there was a musician who used that monicker too, wasn’t there?

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