
Five Of The Biggest Pro Wrestling Movie Gimmicks – Page 5 – ManlyMovie

Five Of The Biggest Pro Wrestling Movie Gimmicks

1) Sting/The Crow


Out of all of these ‘inspirations’, maybe only one actually nailed it without looking like a cheap ‘give me a gimmick’ ripoff.  After the nWo angle appeared in WCW in the mid-1990s, their leading wrestler Sting had a change of appearance and attitude in response to the killing of WCW.

Sting went loner vigilante and just looked all types of cool, clearly using Brandon Lee’s turn as the iconic character.  It actually worked though.  And when you combined the look, attitude, and the fact that it was Sting with a Metallica track as an entrance theme (Seek and Destroy), you have the best movie gimmick ever.

The notion of ‘oh come on, you’re just ripping off that movie’ never occurred to me watching Crow Sting.


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