
Top Five Things Need For Resident Evil Reboot – Page 3 – ManlyMovie

Top Five Things Need For Resident Evil Reboot

3) Horror


Wire-fu.  Rock music.  Dance music.  Slow-mo wire-fu and slow-mo wire-fu accompanied by dance music.  It’s enough to make you rage quit.  This is not what the original games were about. Imagine a movie adaptation of The Walking Dead where Rick Grimes pulls moves out of The Matrix?

In the reboot of Resident Evil, things need to be toned down and we need a complete change of direction.  Don’t aim the movies at ADHD brats in the audience.  Instead, dial down the adrenaline and dial up the creepiness.  In the games, entering a room that you had not previously been in would often increase your heart rate.  This is the feel the need to go after with the new movie/series. We want a washed out colour palette, walls that are closing in on us and nasty unseen shit lurking in the shadows.

What do we think of with this particular demand?  Think Night of the Living Dead, Panic Room, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, SAW, House of the Devil, The Others…

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