The red band trailer for upcoming thriller Nightcrawler has hit, along with a poster. The film stars Jake Gyllenhaal as Lou Bloom, a guy desperate...
With The Expendables 3 due to hit Blu-Ray soon, more info has come in on what to expect re: extras. We already know about the...
Luke Evans is on a (slow) rise through the action ranks. And he has another upcoming action/thriller to add to that resume. He will star...
A new Tremors movie coming and above is the first shot. Tremors 5. Yeah, there were three other sequels, really. It’ll star original survivor Michael...
A good movie came out a while back, Blue Ruin (review), a manly movie sort of in vein of Cold in July (review) or Out...
Paramount has dropped a new debut clip to reveal “The Gambler”, a 2015 thriller starring Mark Wahlberg. The film will also star John Goodman, Brie...
Ahead of the release of John Wick this weekend we have a new clip, “Face Shooting”, which basically sets the tone for what you can...
Runtime: 110 Mins Rated: R What To Expect: Violent viligantism, Texas style Several times while watching this, especially towards the end and during the...
So then, here is the first shot of upcoming zombie thriller “Dead Rising: Watchtower”. The popular video game franchise has had a movie in the...
It seems to me that Sean Bean usually picks a good movie/script to appear in. Most of his movies are at least unique and usually...
5) Universal Soldier (1992) – Theatrical Trailer This is definitely the best trailer for what is possibly the best Jean Claude Van Damme movie. The...
Runtime: 107 Mins Rated: N/A What To Expect: Good performances fuel a strong start, but a crap ending torpedoes the whole thing, avoid. About half...
At a 30th anniversary screening of The Terminator last night, due to feature both Arnold Schwarzenegger and James Cameron were due to entertain fans. Schwarzenegger...
Here is a new video/interview with martial arts legend Donnie Yen where he discusses upcoming beat ’em up thriller Kung Fu Jungle. What is interesting...
The trailer is now online for the upcoming Nicolas Cage thriller “Dying of the Light”. In the thriller, writer/director Paul Schrader has also cast Anton Yelchin,...
As good as The Walking Dead is, I have always felt there was something missing. I’m talking about the first, fourth and current seasons. People...
The origins of the GOAT zombie series (sit down, Walking Dead-ites) and the cause of the zombie outbreak were never explained. Maybe that was...
I think that many of us have probably forgotten just how many SAW movies there even are. For a long time it was literally one...
James Wan, director of SAW, is now director of Fast & Furious 7. It has been his biggest and most physical production to date with...
A poster is now online for the upcoming Nicolas Cage thriller “Dying of the Light”. In the thriller, writer/director Paul Schrader has also cast Anton Yelchin,...
After revealing that Terminator: Genisys is going to be PG-13 (or probably is going to be), Jai Courtney today gives new insight on how connected...
Runtime: 89 Mins Rated: R What To Expect: Long cameo from Stephen Lang, short cameo from Steven Seagal, poor movie This time, for this ‘Steven...
Some potentially horrible news here. Paul Anderson’s 13 year reign of terror may actually go on, and on, and on. And have no end in...