
Top Five: Dolph Lundgren Movies – ManlyMovie

Top Five: Dolph Lundgren Movies

5) The Punisher (1989)


I’ve never read a comic book in my life. I couldn’t give a fuck about accuracy or adherence to some nerd code. But I’m a fan of The Punisher movies, because shit gets handled Bronson style. The Thomas Jane one is the best if you ask me, but this one is the second best. And it is almost like a Charles Bronson movie – the trailer is very similar to that of ‘The Evil That Men do’, a hilarious Bronson yarn about killing criminals with escalating barbarity. Dolph Lundgren is a walking brick wall that goes around making stiffs out of assorted trash with knives and light machine guns.

Yet somehow the police scratch their heads and for the life of them can’t find a suspect for all this gruesome chaos. And that’s part of the fucking beauty of it. This might have been the first time people realised Lundgren was actually a martial artist as well. A pity though that his moves are poorly directed, we never seen the full extent of his agility in this early movie like, say, Van Damme in Bloodsport. Still, Dolph lets rip with an M-60 one-armed. Sly and Arnie weren’t the only men who could do that, which Dolph does again in Universal Soldier.

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