
Five Of The Manliest PG-13 Movies Out There – Page 5 – ManlyMovie

Five Of The Manliest PG-13 Movies Out There

1) Red Dawn (1984)

The movie that actually brought about the PG-13 rating.  Somebody, somewhere, must have said hold on a minute, this ain’t no kids movie.  Red Dawn would probably be ‘R’ today, right?  This film is kind of violent, kinda menacing too.

Now compare this to that festering, metrosexual piece of garbage remake.  Not only did it have girlie-men actors but at its core, it was a disgrace.  Originally it was supposed to be about a Chinese invasion with half billion screamin’ Chimamen, which might have worked had it been cast properly.  Instead, bowing to Chinese pressure the producers shit in their pants due to a cowardly soul (yeah, Gene Hackman quotes!) and changed the villains to North Koreans.

The original though, was by John Milius.  And it starred Patrick Swayze, Powers Boothe and Charlie Sheen.  It also had blood squibs.  But even better, manly man John Milius made sure it was those damned commies and nobody else.  And he wrote and created the concept right as the two superpowers literally almost blasted each other to hell in 1983.

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