
25 Of The Very Best Action Movie Soundtracks – Page 5 – ManlyMovie

25 Of The Very Best Action Movie Soundtracks

Starship Troopers (1996)

I am probably one of the few who never really could get into Starship Troopers, even though it is a Paul Verhoeven movie.  Even on repeat viewings I didn’t ‘get’ it.

Anyway, it has one hell of a soundtrack.  The soundtrack from Starship Troopers, I am positive, would be anyone’s first choice if they had to pick a new national anthem for their country.  I mean, can you imagine standing up for this thing?

What happened to Paul Verhoeven, man?

Mortal Kombat (1995)

The mid 1990s, and there is a very serious war going on between Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat.  It started in the arcades, but spilled over onto home consoles and, of course, cinemas.  Regardless of which game series you preferred it has to be said that Mortal Kombat the movie definitely came off with a flawless victory.

This was probably Paul W.S. Anderson’s best movie and it had a great soundtrack to boot – although most of it preceded the actual movie itself.  The only thing that would have made this movie better would’ve been if the rumour of Brandon Lee being cast as Johnny Cage had come true.  Can you imagine?!

Speaking of Street Fighter, we posed some questions regarding that movie and Jean Claude Van Damme to director Steven E. deSouza for an interview he agreed to, we’re still waiting on the answers for our 12 questions, expect them soon…

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