
50 Stallone Movies Ranked From Best To Worst – Page 17 – ManlyMovie

50 Stallone Movies Ranked From Best To Worst


Back when I was a child, I loved Sylvester Stallone movies.  But one night in the 1990’s, this weird movie came on the TV with Sylvester Stallone.  There was no violence, like I enjoyed seeing Sylvester Stallone engage in, but even though this was clearly a comedy, nor was there humor.  This was a first to me, a Stallone movie that wasn’t fun.

Stallone is having fun in the movie, but John Landis’ film offers little else than being an upbeat pile of trash, that veers between high school drama club sketch and Police Academy-tier slapstick (a man pulling 22 guns and knives out of his coat… hilarious)  The movie is so forgettable that even the studio doesn’t give a damn that the entire thing has been on YouTube for half a decade.

It’s not like it’s an entire write-off though, every now and again Stallone will stop the audience from snoozing off with the occasional incisive one liner, admonishing his own daughter; ‘It’s not like I have a choice you tramp’!

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